Our Philosophy and Values
At Crossway Preschool we provide a welcoming, high quality, inclusive, play-based educational program for young children.
We are committed to ensuring a caring, safe and enjoyable environment where children are supported and nurtured in their growth and development. We believe in children’s competence and potential and embrace their curiosity, sense of wonder and joy.
Working together with families, we aim to support children in achieving the best possible learning outcomes by responding to their individual needs. We facilitate each child’s learning through a play-based approach, informed by contemporary theories, that is holistic in incorporating physical, social, cognitive and emotional wellbeing. Children’s ideas, interests and personal experiences are extended and explored.
We believe it is important to provide a natural environment for children to learn in and explore, fostering an appreciation and connection with nature as a basis for sustained environmental care and awareness.

The development of positive relationships is central to our practice. Educators respect and know children as individuals, supporting each child to develop a positive self-image, sense of identity, place and belonging. Of equal importance are the relationships children share with one another and those between the teachers, families and the wider community. We recognise and respect families as children’s first and most influential teachers. We celebrate the diversity of our community and demonstrate respect for all cultures, whilst acknowledging our First Nation People.
We feel that the kindergarten years are a very special time in a child’s life. At Crossway Preschool we offer children and their families a rich and rewarding pre-school experience based on the beliefs outlined above. We pride ourselves on working together with our community to establish strong foundations for children’s lifelong learning and for them to feel safe, valued and proud of their efforts and achievements.
Please see more information about our philosophy here.